Bronwyn Coffeen-Mercer Illustration & Graphic Arts
Summary of Qualifications:
- Dedicated Creative Director and Graphic Production Artist with a passion for effective layouts and illustrations and a reputation for impeccable ethics.
- Nine-year record of commended performance as a staff artist for print and online editions of the largest local daily newspaper.
- Adept storyteller who treats news, features and other events with equal passion and thrives within the deadline-intensive, 24x7 environment.
- Versatile ability to illustrate in different styles for illustrations and graphics.
- Thorough and professional standards for working with clients, and often those clients return to collaborate again.
Work Experience
July 15 - present
Head Paginator, Page Layout Artist, Ad Designer
Newnan Times-Herald, Newnan GA
Under this role, layout design work and ads are completed for the newspaper, bimonthly Newnan-Coweta Magazine, and the weekly free edition, MyConnection. Effectively works independently or with a team to complete projects on schedule. Creates live ads for Understands the four color printing process to ensure high-quality reproductions on newsprint and magazine.
Technical Skills
- Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
- Uploading files on ftp
- Mac platform
- Building live ads
- Wacom stylus and tablet
- Proofreader/Editing
April 15 - June 15
Page Layout Artist
Call News and Washington County News, Citronelle AL
As a Graphic Artist, completed projects under tight deadlines and collaborated closely with editors in different departments to create effective layouts for print and online. Effectively works independently or with a team to complete projects on schedule. Creates graphics for online use and the four color printing process to ensure high-quality reproductions on newsprint.
Technical Skills
- Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
- Uploading files on ftp
- PC platform
- Wacom stylus and tablet
- Proofreader/Editing
April 04 - present
Bron Art Illustration and Graphic Arts, Mobile AL
With my freelance company, all projects are done with contract. Ensured constant contact with client from start to finish, and keep in contact afterwards. Directed magazine layout design, music CD covers and CD package designs. Worked closely with various authors to organize and illustrate their children’s stories and college textbook. Artwork was also commissioned for private collections. Interacted with clients and followers through social media outlets, including Facebook and Twitter. Participated in Mobile’s annual ArtsAlive! and monthly ArtWalks.
Technical Skills
- Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
- Mac and PC platforms
- Social media savvy
- Wacom stylus and tablet
- Drawing freehand for concept and final work
- Proofreader/Editing
- (Sept. 30) Participating artist at Fall Artwalk in Downtown Newnan
- Mobile Cityscape painting for the Doughertys
- Bird characters designs for covers of “Learn To Play Traditional Irish Fiddle Tunes Book” by Tom Morley.,
: Viola
: Mandolin
: Violin
- Mobile County Public School System’s By The Numbers Poster
- Blick Art Supplies Fall Issue's featured artist
- Portraits of the clients of Jeff Howard, financial planner at Stifel
- Honorary Competitor for Mobile Arts Council’s Throwback Art Competiton
- Anniversary painting for the Macarins
- Breakbulk Magazine page layout designer
- Mobile County Public School System's Style Guide
- Paintings sold and for sale at Lyons Share Gallery and Framing in Fairhope, AL. As well as Fairhope Inn and Restaurant
- United Mobile Brochure in Mobile, AL.
- Wooden Canvas painting series
- Mobile Arts Council exhibit for "ZODIAC".
- Cupcake liner designs for Jubilee Sweet
- Bird characters designs for cover of "Learn To Play Traditional Irish Fiddle Tunes Book 2" by Tom Morley.
- Coloring Book for Airbus in Mobile, AL.
- Wedding Invitation set for Mr. Bob Burnett's (Mobile Arts Council) daughter
- Muhammad Ali photo illustration for USA Today Sports Images
- Portrait for financial consultant Mr. Jeff Howard of Stifel-Nicolaus
- Memorial Illustration for Dave "Mullet" Martin, respected Associated Press photographer.
- Senior Creative Director for ACCESS Magazine in Mobile, AL; a monthly magazine. Work with photographers, create ads, and build page layouts. Verify finals files to printer.
- 2nd Place Best Magazine for ACCESS in the Lagniappe Magazine "Nappie" 2013 Awards.
- Mobile Arts Council exhibit of "Ten by Ten: The Decameron"
- Sense Magazine Sept. issue, and Mobile Press-Register/AL.COM Living Arts section interviews for The Decameron
- Honorary 2013 Judge for Watercolor and Graphic Arts Society of Mobile (WGAS) "Shared Expressions" Member Show
- Spanish Fort Education Enrichment Foundation (SFEEF) 2013 Mardi Gras Casino Night promotional materials
- PigSkin Chicks logo and banner
- Portrait Sketches Series 1
- Original artwork for sale at Patina Art Gallery, Fairhope, AL and at Lunatix and Co., Mobile AL
- Fiddle lesson book cover and interior illustrations for Tom Morley
- Gym Nut Apparel character designs on workout apparel and accessories with Mrs. Variest Randle, featured on Fox10
2011 - 2010
- Entre Arts exhibit for “Raven Collection”
- Music CD cover illustrations for Tom Morley’s “The Raven’s Wing”
2010 - present
- Map illustrations for Alabama Coast Magazine
- Children’s book illustrations for Doris Sander’s “Fin the Godsend”
- Music CD cover and package design for Mark R. Kent’s “Monday Night Guitar”
- Mobile Arts Council art exhibit for “Autumn’s Regalia”
- Lagniappe feature for artwork in Mobile Arts Council art exhibit
- Raven artwork featured in Press-Register’s CURRENT magazine
- Music CD cover design for Mithril’s “The Return Home”
- Mobile Press-Register article in Living Arts section for Mithril’s “The Return Home” cover
- Children’s book illustrations for Doris Sander’s “The Magic of Mama Arms”
- Safari canvas acrylic painting, sized 5 ft x 8 ft, for the collection of Mr. B. Flynn
- Mobile Bay Monthly article as Arts Alive! Spring 2006 participant
- Mobile Press-Register feature in Living section for “Whimsy, with an Edge” article
- “Fairy Tales” illustration for the collection of Mr. Elton Hughes
- Juxtapoz Magazine Online feature for “Squowlgoon Jr.” painting
- Textbook insect diagram for H. Bruce Rinker’s “Forest Canopies (Second Edition)”
Jan. 07 - Sept. 12
Editorial Graphics Artist
Mobile Press-Register, Mobile AL
As a Graphic Artist, completed projects under tight deadlines and collaborated closely with editors in different departments to create original informational graphics and illustrations that supplement news stories. Worked with clients outside the newsroom to research and obtain facts for graphics. Effectively works independently or with a team to complete projects on schedule. Creates graphics for online use and the four color printing process to ensure high-quality reproductions on newsprint.
Technical Skills
- Adobe Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
- Freehand MX
- Harris
- Mac platform
- Wacom stylus and tablet
- Drawing freehand for concept and final work
- Proofreader/Editing
- Alabama Associated Press Managing Editors contest: 1st for “Bronwyn Coffeen Illustrations Portfolio” and 2nd for “Best News Graphics”
- Alabama Sports Association contest: 1st for Best Cover “USA Football Preview”
- Alabama Press Association: 3rd for Best Use of Graphics or Illustrations for “Artosauraus!”
- The Green Eyeshade journalism competition: 1st for Informational Graphics for “Skimboarding”
- Alabama Associated Press Managing Editors: 1st for “Illustrations Portfolio” and Honorable Mention for “Garden & Home Illustrations”
- Alabama Press Association: 1st for Best Use of Graphics or Illustrations for “Secret World of Santa”
- Alabama Associated Press Managing Editors: 1st for “Environmental and Garden Graphics” and “Best News Graphics” and Honorable Mention for
“Bronwyn Coffeen Illustrations”
June - Aug. 03
- Advertising Agency Graphics Intern - Dogwood Studios, Mobile AL
As an Intern, closely watched how the graphic designers researched and executed projects for clients. Drew portraitures of the employees to be used for the company’s website.
- Commercial Designer Graphics Intern - WKRG-TV5 CBS, Mobile AL
As an Intern, studied how the newsroom graphic designers designed commercials based on the client’s needs with music, text and animations, while portraying the intended message within a designated time-slot.
June - Aug. 02
- Advertising Agency Graphics Intern - Red Square Advertising, Mobile AL
As an Intern, discussed, designed and assisted the agency’s designers for researching and compiling logos for clients. Participated in meetings with the editors, designers and clients.
- BFA Illustration with Honors, Ringling College of Art and Design, Sarasota, FL, degree earned May, 2005
- Portraiture drawing with Mrs. Lydia Host at University of South Alabama, Mobile AL
- Raku pottery with Mr. John Rezner at Eastern Shore Art Center, Fairhope AL
- Ringling College of Art and Design President’s List
- National Dean’s List recipient
- National Who’s Who List recipient
- Hallmark Cute Illustration Workshop participant
- Best of Ringling Illustration recipient
- Career Conference Committee Co-Chairman
As Co-Chairman, worked closely with the college’s career counselors and fellow members to organize a student-run Next Step Career Conference during one special weekend. Organize activities, seminars and host keynote speakers and guest artists to interact with the students.
Professional Organizations and Community Affiliations
- Mobile Arts Council (MAC) Member
- Mobile Area Young Professionals Alliance (MAYPAS)
- Mobile Shibui Chapter of Sumi-e
- Plein Air Painting, Mobile, Alabama
- Mobile SPCA Volunteer
- American Red Cross blood donator
To download and print resume, click on PDF.